
Executive Search

This kind of practice is for mainly Board and CXO level leadership hiring. Finding an experienced officer for the responsibilities that require dedication and carefulness as well as target achievement is a rigorous task. Our recruiters are dedicated to finding the best talent for such positions that are important for company’s growth. Executives together perform and make the processes smooth so that revenue can be generated, and the organization is in profit. Hard-working and confident executive officers are responsible for the company’s systematic growth.

Senior & Middle Level Hiring

Essvee Services helps Indian and international clients across 24 industry segments for recruiting senior and mid-level officers. These officers provider guidance to their juniors and help them to be organized in terms of work and discipline. It becomes important that professionals of these levels are highly qualified, educated and experienced. Their experience and exposure helps the juniors to grow and also the organization to be presentable and disciplined. Their work is of high level and so their experience matters. Recruiting them is a tough task but we are always practiced and prepared for the same.

Senior & Middle Level Hiring

Essvee Services helps Indian and international clients across 24 industry segments for recruiting senior and mid-level officers. These officers provider guidance to their juniors and help them to be organized in terms of work and discipline. It becomes important that professionals of these levels are highly qualified, educated and experienced. Their experience and exposure helps the juniors to grow and also the organization to be presentable and disciplined. Their work is of high level and so their experience matters. Recruiting them is a tough task but we are always practiced and prepared for the same.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Recruitment is a tough and hectic task. We understand that our clients might need extended support at this end and so we are always ready to help them with our services. Digging out the best talent, supporting the panel while interviews, lining up the candidates and much more are the responsibilities that we take charge of. Thus, we lessen the burden of our clients and help them to fetch the best employees.Our clients have always been thankful to us so far!

Interim Management

We provide full-time management executives to our clients who can perform on a short-term basis. Sometimes, companies need a short-term manager on an urgent basis and for the same, we help them to recruit such talent.Getting such resources is not easy because this is a temporary process. But our dedicated professionals give their best to fetch such executives and help our clients to be sorted with their requirements. We cooperate with our clients at every step of hiring and maintain genuineness in the entire process.

Interim Management

We provide full-time management executives to our clients who can perform on a short-term basis. Sometimes, companies need a short-term manager on an urgent basis and for the same, we help them to recruit such talent.Getting such resources is not easy because this is a temporary process. But our dedicated professionals give their best to fetch such executives and help our clients to be sorted with their requirements. We cooperate with our clients at every step of hiring and maintain genuineness in the entire process.

Global Sourcing

Employers from overseas can contact us and get Indian employees for their vacancies. Similarly, Indian recruiters can outsource global talent. The world has shrunk and so there are possibilities for every talented candidate to work overseas.We give a platform to the candidates for applying jobs in any part of the world (if vacancies are available). We are not limited to one country, instead we recruit for every possible part of the world if international clients seek our support. Working abroad helps to grow and seek better exposure for expanding professional domain.

Career Transition Services

Sometimes, clients have different and unique requirements. It could be regarding profile transition, in-house hiring, outplacement etc. Our team works with keen cooperation to meet the exact need of the clients. We firmly believe in making our clients happy and satisfied in terms of recruitments and then only our reputation could be maintained. So far, we havebeen meeting our clients’ unique needs with full perfection and we are aimed at always doing it in future. Unique requirements are filled with continuous communication, better understanding and step by step transparency.

Career Transition Services

Sometimes, clients have different and unique requirements. It could be regarding profile transition, in-house hiring, outplacement etc. Our team works with keen cooperation to meet the exact need of the clients. We firmly believe in making our clients happy and satisfied in terms of recruitments and then only our reputation could be maintained. So far, we havebeen meeting our clients’ unique needs with full perfection and we are aimed at always doing it in future. Unique requirements are filled with continuous communication, better understanding and step by step transparency.

Market Intelligence

Compensation surveys, independent reference checks, talent mapping, check of work record etc. are the points not to be missed while hiring. And, we help our clients to always take such informed decisions so that there are no troubles in future. Hiring of genuine candidates through such decisions helps the employer to get a worthy professional. Such professionals work hard and be honest in whatever they do, thereby benefitting the organization at their respective levels. This is a matter of trust and ethical cooperation.

Recruiter Training Programmes

Talent acquisition is an art and science both. It cannot be obtained in just a session. Becoming a good recruiter requires thorough training sessions, demo and practice. Apart from these, the senior recruiters need to provide full guidance to the juniors so that there is no mistake in hiring. We organize training sessions from time to time for recruitment and other processes related to placement. This helps our recruiters to be up-to-date with technology and new introductions in the industry.

Recruiter Training Programmes

Talent acquisition is an art and science both. It cannot be obtained in just a session. Becoming a good recruiter requires thorough training sessions, demo and practice. Apart from these, the senior recruiters need to provide full guidance to the juniors so that there is no mistake in hiring. We organize training sessions from time to time for recruitment and other processes related to placement. This helps our recruiters to be up-to-date with technology and new introductions in the industry.



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